Al's First game was in 1999 at Sycamore, OH High School and his last game in 2022 at the same location. Thank you Al for a great service to the game of Women Lacrosse.

Women Lacrosse Stick and Ball

Al's First game was in 1999 at Sycamore, OH High School and his last game in 2022 at the same location. Thank you Al for a great service to the game of Women Lacrosse.
Avenir Light is a clean Southern Ohio Women's Lacrosse Umpires Association (SOWLUA)
Keep it Fair. Keep it Simple. Keep it Fun!
The Southern Ohio Women's Lacrosse Umpire Association (SOWLUA) is part of the U.S. Lacrosse Super Region 5, Great Lakes (IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, WI). SOWLUA Executive Council are elected by SOWLUA members (with 2 seasons as members). SOWLUA Bylaws are currently under construction.
eKy designers. It's easy on the eye